Scoring BIG with Branded Mobile Games

By November 26, 2013 Whitepapers No Comments
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ADMIT IT, we’re all helplessly addicted to mobile games like Candy Crush, Dots and Temple Run. We struggle to put our phones down and concentrate on work- but that’s no fun.  Just one more try? It won’t take long. We reach out our hands and feel soothed to touch that gadget again. Boom. Another 20 minutes flies away.  People are vulnerable to games by nature. To attract players to join and keep them playing, gamification design usually provides an exciting and adventurous setting, some “goals” and “obstacles” to beat, and a world that connects the player to his or her character.  The players get a sense of accomplishment and tend to feel better about themselves from playing.[1]

Thanks to Steve Jobs, gaming has expanded its arena to our fingertips. Smartphones have rapidly become a powerful gaming platform due to its portability and technological features. The mobile application markets also open up a direct distribution channel for innovative designers to provide beautiful gaming apps in great quality. By 2015, mobile gaming revenue is estimated to reach $7.5 billion worldwide, tripling from $2.7 billion in 2012.[2]   There is no doubt consumers are turning to mobile games. Advertising within mobile games allows brands to develop their own forms of entertainment and drive engagement.

It is a whole new way to encourage consumers to interact with the brand and build a community.

Experienced with game developing in various industries, the Aurnhammer team has observed business success in branded mobile games. We came up with a white paper, “Business of Branded Mobile Games”, to put marketers at ease in regards to planning their gaming strategy.

Business of Branded Mobile Games Whitepaper

1. Mobile Industry Overview
2. Gaming: Leading Player in Mobile
3. Case Studies: Branded Mobile Games on the Rise
4. Aurnhammer: A Game for Every Industry
5. 5 Questions to Ask for Your Branded Game

The white paper is free for download!
Let us know what you think, and keep playing!



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